Burn of Sorrow, Ochil Hills |
14th November 2013, Burn of Sorrow, Ochil Hills
Behind the historic town of Dollar, Clackmannanshire, lies picturesque Dollar Glen, a wooded gorge through which flows the Burn of Sorrow. Footpaths, bridges and walkways lead through the glen becoming progressively steeper as they climb out
of the gorge to converge at the impressive Castle Campbell, behind which are more paths which lead into the Ochil Hills. Behind the castle lies the Glen Of Sorrow, a
steep sided glacial trench through which the Burn of Sorrow flows from
its source in the Maddy Moss. This is sheep territory. There are no
paths but once in the glen the terrain is easy except for one narrow
section avoided to the east. The burn is delightful as
it tumbles down the glen twisting and turning as it does. You are unlikely to meet anyone once in the glen giving a sense of solitude more akin to The Highlands.
Technical Info:
Taken with a Canon EOS 5D mkII
Zeiss Distagon T* 21/2.8 ZE lens
EXIF: ISO-100 / 1.5 sec @ f/11
Lee filters: 0.6 Hard GND
RAW File converted to TIFF in Canon DPP, developed in Adobe PSE9